Jake Canuso-搜索结果

  • 度假笑传 Benidorm


    导演:凯文·艾伦   编剧:德伦·利滕

    主演:Jake Canuso, Hannah Hobley, Siobhan Finneran, Janine Duvitski, Kenny Ireland, 史蒂夫·佩姆伯顿

      The new six-part series will be Paul Jackson's first commission since returning to ITV as Director of Entertainment and Comedy, and reunites him with Geoffrey Perkins, former Head of BBC Comedy who produced shows including The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Harry Enfield, Spitting Image, Father Ted, and The Cat...

  • 杀手快报 Journal of a Contract Killer

    类型:剧情片电影, 动作片电影, 惊悚片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:Tony Maylam   编剧:Tony Maylam

    主演:Justine Powell, 亚当·利斯, Jake Canuso, Marco Gambino, Heather Bleasdale

      表面看来,史蒂芬妮(贾斯婷·鲍威尔 Justine Powell 饰)是一个性感美艳的应召女郎,游走在灯红酒绿的花花世界之中游刃有余,实际上,她有着另一重秘密身份——意大利黑手党的卧底。实际上,史蒂芬妮对自己这种充满了危险的双面生活早已经厌倦不堪,于是,她决定金盆洗手,带着年幼的小女儿远走高飞。

  • 滴答摇篮曲 Tick Tock Lullaby


    导演:Lisa Gornick   编剧:Lisa Gornick

    主演:Joanna Bending, William Bowry, Jake Canuso

      A wry interweave film about baby making and how as time marches on the decision gets more intense and less romantic